Improvisación en el Brazo de Orión (2016)
[Orion's Arms Improvisation]
For any combination of instruments, octophonic sound system and Max 7 patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
[Orion's Arms Improvisation]
For any combination of instruments, octophonic sound system and Max 7 patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
Arnaez Nicolas - Improvisacion en el Brazo de Orion - SCORE |
Desde la Perspectiva del Viento (2015)
[From The Wind's Perspective]
Brass quartet, sixteen channels two-dimensional ambisonics sound spatialization and real-time processing in Max 7, in an open field.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
[From The Wind's Perspective]
Brass quartet, sixteen channels two-dimensional ambisonics sound spatialization and real-time processing in Max 7, in an open field.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
Arnaez Nicolas - Desde la Perspectiva del Viento - SCORE |
Sobre Cómo Pintar en el Tiempo (2013)
[On How To Draw Over The Time]
For string quartet, three-dimensional ambisonics cube sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, and Max MSP 6 patch.
[On How To Draw Over The Time]
For string quartet, three-dimensional ambisonics cube sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, and Max MSP 6 patch.
Arnaez Nicolas - Sobre Como Pintar en el Tiempo _ SCORE |
…after the defeat (2012)
Octophonic real-time sound processing, speaking voice, and Max MSP patch.
Octophonic real-time sound processing, speaking voice, and Max MSP patch.
Ecos Boreales (2012)
[Boreal Echoes]
For saxophone quartet, octophonic live electronics, and Max MSP patch.
[Boreal Echoes]
For saxophone quartet, octophonic live electronics, and Max MSP patch.
Arnaez Nicolas - Ecos Boreales - SCORE |
Interactive Sound Installations
Collective Compositions
The main goal of the series of Interactive Sound Installations known as Composiciones Colectivas [Collective Compositions] is to have the auditor been also performer and composer, the interactivity between person and piece is what allows the music to exist.
To have a copy of the software required for each piece, please contact me privately.
Composición Colectiva VII: O-ir Mortales (2016)
[Collective Composition VII: O-ir Mortales]
Interactive Sound Installation using 3D video tracking (Microsoft’s Kinect), two-dimensional ambisonics sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, and Max 7 patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
Arnaez Nicolas - CCVII O-ir, Mortales - REQUIREMENTS (In Spanish) |
Composición Colectiva VI: Vos, el Viento y el Sonido (2015)
[Collective Composition VI: You, the Wind and the Sound]
For 8 wind chimes, three-dimensional ambisonics cube sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, electric fans, and Max 7 patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
[Collective Composition VI: You, the Wind and the Sound]
For 8 wind chimes, three-dimensional ambisonics cube sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, electric fans, and Max 7 patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
Arnaez Nicolas - CCVI Vos, el Viento y el Sonido - REQUIREMENTS |
Composición Colectiva V: Péndulo (2015)
[Collective Composition VI: Pendulum]
For eight channels, three accelerometers and SuperCollider patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
[Collective Composition VI: Pendulum]
For eight channels, three accelerometers and SuperCollider patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
Composición Colectiva IV: Plaga Electroacústica (2015)
[Collective Composition IV: Electroacoustic Infestation]
Interactive Sound Installation using 3D video tracking (Microsoft’s Kinect), two-dimensional ambisonics sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, and Max MSP patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
[Collective Composition IV: Electroacoustic Infestation]
Interactive Sound Installation using 3D video tracking (Microsoft’s Kinect), two-dimensional ambisonics sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, and Max MSP patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
Arnaez Nicolas - CCIV Plaga Electroacoustica - SHORT DESCRIPTION |
Composición Colectiva III: Campanas de Cocina (2014)
[Collective Composition III: Kitchen Bells]
Interactive Sound Installation using 3D video tracking (Microsoft’s Kinect), hacked metal bowls, and Max MSP patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
[Collective Composition III: Kitchen Bells]
Interactive Sound Installation using 3D video tracking (Microsoft’s Kinect), hacked metal bowls, and Max MSP patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
Arnaez Nicolas - CCIII Campanas de Cocina - SHORT DESCRIPTION |
Composición Colectiva II: Intervención (2014)
[Collective Composition II: Intervention]
Interactive Sound Installation using 3D video tracking (Microsoft’s Kinect), three-dimensional ambisonics cube sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, and Max MSP patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
[Collective Composition II: Intervention]
Interactive Sound Installation using 3D video tracking (Microsoft’s Kinect), three-dimensional ambisonics cube sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, and Max MSP patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
Arnaez Nicolas - CCII Intervension - REQUIREMENTS |
Composición Colectiva I: Cubo (2013)
[Collective Composition I: Cube]
Interactive Sound Installation using 3D video tracking (Miscrosoft’s Kinect), three-dimensional ambisonics cube sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, and Max MSP patch.
[Collective Composition I: Cube]
Interactive Sound Installation using 3D video tracking (Miscrosoft’s Kinect), three-dimensional ambisonics cube sound spatialization (IRCAM’s spat~), real-time processing, and Max MSP patch.
Arnaez Nicolas - CCI Cubo - DESCRIPTION |
Non-Interactive Sound Installations
To have a copy of the software required for each piece, please contact me privately.
La Sinfonía de Babel (2014)
[Babel's Symphony]
Quadraphonic sound installation, Max 7 patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
[Babel's Symphony]
Quadraphonic sound installation, Max 7 patch.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
Link to this piece published article:
Fixed Electronic Music
To have a copy of the software required for each piece or the individual tracks, please contact me privately.
Sonoclips (2014 - present)
Short stereo electronic pieces.
Short stereo electronic pieces.
De Lugares y Formas (2009)
[About Places and Shapes]
For quadraphonic sound system.
[About Places and Shapes]
For quadraphonic sound system.
Electrofuga (2008)
For quadraphonic sound system.
For quadraphonic sound system.
Arnaez Nicolas - Electrofuga - REQUIREMENTS |
El Lenguaje de la Piel (2008)
For octophonic sound system.
For octophonic sound system.
Arnaez Nicolas - El lenguaje de la Piel - DESCRIPTION (In Spanish) |
Acoustic Ensembles, Solo Pieces, Non Real-time Electronic
To have a copy of electronic tracks and parts required for each piece, please contact me privately
Tomando Partido Por tu Voz (2014)
[Taking The Side Of Your Voice]
For brass quartet, piano, percussion and conductor. Graphic Score.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
[Taking The Side Of Your Voice]
For brass quartet, piano, percussion and conductor. Graphic Score.
Click here to view photos of this piece.
Arnaez Nicolas - Tomando Partido por tu Voz - PARTS |
Al Filo del Espejo (2013)
[On The Verge Of The Mirror]
For two pianos, two percussions and conductor.
[On The Verge Of The Mirror]
For two pianos, two percussions and conductor.
Arnaez Nicolas - Al Filo del Espejo - SCORE |
zoom.1 (2009)
For chamber orchestra and multimedia (video).
For chamber orchestra and multimedia (video).
Arnaez Nicolas - zoom ·1 - SCORE |
Matemalista (2008-2009)
For flute, cello, vibraphone, multi-percussion and timpani.
For flute, cello, vibraphone, multi-percussion and timpani.
Arnaez Nicolas - Matemalista - SCORE |
asoneV ad ecirP-Prince da Venosa (2008)
For wood quintet, string quartet and soprano.
For wood quintet, string quartet and soprano.
Arnaez Nicolas - asoneV ad ecnirP - Prince da Venosa - SCORE |
Proverbios 31, 17-18 (2007-2008)
For twelve-voice mixed chorus.
For twelve-voice mixed chorus.
Arnaez Nicolas - Proverbios 31, 17-18 - SCORE |
Creación en 6 Días (2007)
For two flutes, oboe, clarinet Bb, alto sax, bassoon, French horn and trombone.
For two flutes, oboe, clarinet Bb, alto sax, bassoon, French horn and trombone.
Arnaez Nicolas - Creacion en 6 dias - SCORE |
Hemisfera de Cinco Puntas (2006-2007)
For vibraphone, two multi-percussions, timpani, bass drum and quadraphonic electronics.
For vibraphone, two multi-percussions, timpani, bass drum and quadraphonic electronics.
Arnaez Nicolas - Hemisfera de cinco puntas - SCORE |
Evolutivo (2005)
For string quartet, piano and vibraphone.
For string quartet, piano and vibraphone.
Arnaez Nicolas - Evolutivo - SCORE |
- “A b b á (2005)
For baritone sax solo.
For baritone sax solo.
Arnaez Nicolas - - " A b b a - SCORE |
Popular and Tonal Music
Fuzhou (2013).
Noise composition for electronics. Track released on the CD "Poxirunning" by Jazzinto.
Noise composition for electronics. Track released on the CD "Poxirunning" by Jazzinto.
Chanchos Canadienses (2013)
Minimalistic composition for electronics. Track released on the CD "Poxirunning" by Jazzinto.
Minimalistic composition for electronics. Track released on the CD "Poxirunning" by Jazzinto.
Candombito (2011)
Latin Jazz - for saxophone, piano, bass, drums and Uruguayan candombe percussion.
Latin Jazz - for saxophone, piano, bass, drums and Uruguayan candombe percussion.
Arnaez Nicolas - Candombito - SCORE and PARTS |
San la Muerte (2010)
Latin Jazz. For Alto sax, guitar, electric bass, drums and electronics. Co-composed with Julio Cormio, Gastón Secci and Sebastián Mendoza. Track released on the CD "Poxirunning" by Jazzinto.
Latin Jazz. For Alto sax, guitar, electric bass, drums and electronics. Co-composed with Julio Cormio, Gastón Secci and Sebastián Mendoza. Track released on the CD "Poxirunning" by Jazzinto.
Poxirunning (2010)
Funk Rock Jazz. For Alto sax, guitar, electric bass, drums and electronics.
Funk Rock Jazz. For Alto sax, guitar, electric bass, drums and electronics.
Arnaez Nicolas - Poxirunning - PARTS |
Pichón de Mamón (2009)
(Latin Jazz), for tenor sax, piano, electric bass, drums and percussion.
(Latin Jazz), for tenor sax, piano, electric bass, drums and percussion.
Arnaez Nicolas - Pichon de mamon - SCORE and PARTS |
Raquelita (2008)
Latin Jazz. Fugue form for tenor sax, piano, bass, drums and percussion.
Latin Jazz. Fugue form for tenor sax, piano, bass, drums and percussion. |
Campesino Tibetano (2008)
Latin Jazz. For tenor sax, electric bass, drums and percussion. Co-composed with Mariano Segura.
Latin Jazz. For tenor sax, electric bass, drums and percussion. Co-composed with Mariano Segura.
Contrapunteo Latino (2007)
Latin Jazz with counterpoint resources. For trumpet, tenor sax, trombone and jazz trio.
Latin Jazz with counterpoint resources. For trumpet, tenor sax, trombone and jazz trio.
Arnaez Nicolas - Contrapunteo Latino (trio) - SCORE |
Échale! (2007)
Latin Jazz. For tenor sax, piano, bass, drums and percussion. Co-composed with Mariano Segura.
Latin Jazz. For tenor sax, piano, bass, drums and percussion. Co-composed with Mariano Segura.
Arnaez Nicolas - Long Echale - SCORE and PARTS |
Nosotros También (2005)
Music for the documentary "Nosotros También" by Alejandro Páez. Music Composed and orchestrated by Nicolás Arnáez.
Music for the documentary "Nosotros También" by Alejandro Páez. Music Composed and orchestrated by Nicolás Arnáez.